Luke 4: 18
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come." [NLT](cf. Isaiah 61: 1-2)
Whenever I read this portion of Scripture, my heart always beat faster. I wonder why ... Am I too sensitive? Or may be I'm too carry away by it? Hm ... am I imagining too much?
I believe when Jesus quoted from Isaiah 61: 1-2, He was telling us that it was His heartbeat too. There was why He went around preaching, teaching, counseling, healing, setting people free, and performing all the signs and wonders. Why Jesus works so hard? - "Jesus, please take a rest. Why bother about the people? Well, everybody has a need, when you will get free from all these people's problems? You are Son of God, you don't have to do it yourself ..."
But let's us look beyond:
1. The Father's Promise - God, the Father spoke to Isaiah. He PROMISED to pour down His Spirit. It is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God" (Zech 4:6) that we can do great exploits. The Church can't be the same as the Holy Spirit comes upon her. Look around to those 'hot & spicy' churches, don't they have one common thing? The Holy Spirit! The life and the fire of Spirit of God works strongly in the lives of His people, that bring forth many signs and wonders. If we believe, all things are possible (Mark 9:23)! Nothing can stop us to bring down heavens to earth.
2. The Believer's Call - No doubt God can performs great wonders, but God can't do it Himself. He needs PEOPLE like you and me. If God don't need us, He can bring us back to Him when we give our lives to Him. Why He puts us here on earth? We are to carry out what Jesus has left for us. Matt 28: 18-20 is the GREAT COMMISSION to ALL believers. Indeed it is our call. For we born for this great destiny!
3. The People's Outcry - Look around the world, there are so many are crying for answers. They are hurt, wounded, injured, and so on. The needs are endless. Why the Lord mentioned about those who are broken hearted? Why the captives? Why the oppressors? It is because they don't know how to live any more. Moreover, the world has rejected and thrown them away. They need helping hands - loving, compassionate, understanding, gentle and meek. Who they may find comfort and assurance?
4. The Hope of All Hopes - Thanks God for it is the time of REDEMPTION. Hope against all hopes, time for healing to the sicks, freedom to the bound, and the dead to rise ... The POTENTIAL for great transformation and explosion! Can you see the great works God has called us to do? Every time I pray, I can see such dynamic power of God is working and moving around the world in the days to come.
5. The Coming of Jesus - Obviously, through the happenings of the world, we are certain that our Lord Jesus is coming pretty soon. The world is experiencing the birth pains. It is the SEASON of the waiting of the great Rapture (coming of Christ for His saints. The LATTER RAIN shall be upon His people. As certain parts of the world are experiencing the revival, and souls are saved by hundreds, thousands and millions.
Brothers & sisters, do not let your lives and my life wasting away. Let's go forth and take possession of what the Lord has for us, and most important thing - for PEOPLE. Stop looking at our ownself. Stop complaining and get angry with others. Let's be the LIGHT and SALT to the hungry world. Amen!